External data
Details about external data used in Unsub
The following is a list of the external data sources used, including what they are used for, and how often the data is updated.
Data source: OpenAlex
Update frequency: Quarterly (4x per year)
Used in Unsub: Journal level Cost Per Use calculation (if you include citations in your scenario parameters). Citations data shown in single journal view or in the table view in a scenario. Institutional level APC Report.
Data source: OpenAlex
Update frequency: Quarterly (4x per year)
Used in Unsub: Journal level Cost Per Use calculation (if you include authorships in your scenario parameters). Authorships data shown in single journal view or in the table view in a scenario. Institutional level APC Report.
Journal metadata
This includes journal title, ISSNs, publisher, open access status, and whether title is currently publishing (based on date of last DOI published).
Data source: OpenAlex
Update frequency: Daily
Used in Unsub: Determine whether a journal should be included in Unsub dashboards or not (see Why don't I see a certain title in my dashboard?), and as the source of truth to link together journals, user uploaded data, and any external journal level data.
Journal embargo periods
Data source: Manually collected. We will soon switch over to using data from oa.works
Update frequency: Not currently updated
Used in Unsub: Shown in single journal view in Unsub dashboards, and used in calculating Cost Per Use
Publisher societies
Data source: Manually collected.
Update frequency: Not currently updated
Used in Unsub: Shown in single journal view in Unsub dashboards
Number of papers
Data source: OpenAlex
Update frequency: Daily
Used in Unsub: Journal level usage forecast.
ROR and Grid identifiers
Data source: Microsoft Academic Graph
Update frequency: Not currently updated; we'll switch to OpenAlex in the near future.
Used in Unsub: Used to link together many kinds of data (journals, authors, etc.) to institutions.
APC prices
Data source: We get these from publisher websites.
Update frequency: Not updated
Used in Unsub: For the institutional APC Report for the big five publishers (Elsevier, Wiley, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis, SAGE) only.
Data source: Unpaywall
Update frequency: Every 6 hours (4x/day)
Used in Unsub: Used to determine usage patterns at a journal title level. Also used in creating citation and authorship data (see above for how citation and authorship data are used).
Unpaywall Browser Extension
Data source: Unpaywall Browser Extension data; aggregated statistics about journal-level year of publication usage derived from usage of people with the Unpaywall browser extension installed
Update frequency: Updated October 2022. Likely update frequency: annual
Used in Unsub: Used to determine usage patterns at a journal title level.
Last updated